Monthly Archives: May 2017

fire damaged scrap steel

Picked up some fire damaged scrap steel from #Alco metal, and cutting it down into armature for my #donquixote commission #sculpture #art via Instagram


Got some toys from the thrift shop for a couple bucks, fresh parts for #kitbash models #art #mech #robot via Instagram

Radical Xenos primus

Base coated and starting to add inks to my Radical Xenos magus Inquisitor #kitbash #40k #miniature #art via Instagram


Another view of the judge, I couldn’t resist sharing, still waiting for touch up paint, but taunting me from the workbench #art #sculpture #stopmotion #taxidermy via Instagram

Traveling trader

Traveling trader #kitbash base coated in shades of brown #art #40k #miniature #gorkamorka via Instagram

welding gas

I picked up a tank of co2/argon and now I’m able to weld properly again so I fired up the mig and welded some more rebar into the armature of this statue, it took awhile to get the shift of the hips right but I’m getting happy with the pose #art #sculpture #donquixote via Instagram

another tube of caulk

Added another tube of caulk to the horse skull mold doing thinner coats now, to strengthen the mold #art #cement #sculpture via Instagram